FAST Recognitions
FAST Agile Nascent
You have taken your first step in FAST and sat a two-day class taught by a FAST Authorized Trainer.
Display your badge or certificate to announce to the world that you are in and a FAN of FAST!
(Word pun intended.)
nascent - adjective
just coming into existence and beginning to display signs of future potential.
Certified FAST Consultant
You are a consultant and want to join a community of other consultants and show the world your expertise in implementing FAST. Find out more.
FAST Agile Beacon
You have a story to tell about FAST - and are now a shining beacon in the community for the next wave in agile and agility!
This Beacon certificate is awarded after you have written up an experience report of your story, had it selected by current FABs, and posted the story to the FAST website.
See the current Beacons and read their stories.
FAST Agile Mastermind
You have been recognised by your peers as an expert in FAST. This marks you as a consultant.
To earn the Mastermind certificate, you have been invited to join the FAST FAMily of experts (masterminds) by your peers whom have been watching your progress, enthusiasm and contributions.
FAST Authorised Trainer
You are authorized to publish your training classes on the FAST Academy area and promote them as approved by the FAST Academy. Your students will be sent FAN certificates on completion of you your classes.
To become a FAST Authorised Trainer, you have shown a great understanding of FAST, co-presented a two-day class with an appointed FAST Trainer, been accepted by your peers, and paid the initiation fee.